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Fire in the Sky — Book

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Fire in the Sky — Movie

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Travis Walton Documentary

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Each item in your order will be signed by the author. Book orders will include a signature but not a hand-written inscription.

Each item in your order will be signed by the author and include a hand-written inscription of the author's choice. The first or only item of each kind will include the purchaser's name in the inscription; duplicate items will not include a name with the inscription.

If you want a different name or a custom inscription for any item in your order, please select "Special Instructions" for the free autograph option above and provide details before clicking the "Checkout" button.

Please specify to whom each item should be signed. You may optionally request an inscription of the author's choice or one in your own words, or include other handling instructions.

Payment Details
DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceCost
Fire in the Sky — Book130.0030.00
Fire in the Sky — Movie120.0020.00
Travis Walton the Movie — Documentary120.0020.00
 Christmas Discount:0.00

Note: If you pay wth PayPal, the address associated with your PayPal account is your shipping address. If you have moved since opening your PayPal account, please update your address before placing your order. To ship to a different address, click the "Change" link next to "Shipping address" when reviewing your order on the PayPal site. Credit card orders are not affected since you will be prompted for a shipping address.

Note: In order to keep shipping costs down, books and DVDs are sent Media Mail. The Post Office will not forward Media Mail items unless it is stamped "FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED". If you plan on moving before your order is expected you'll want to request forwarding via the special instructions choice of the free autograph option above. Keep in mind that doing so will result in additional postage due and payable by you upon delivery.

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